Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Today, my diet was mediocre although I am satisfied that my food choices for me anyway is pretty healthy, compared to my normal intake of Chinese food.

In the morning, I had oatmeal and half a banana. For lunch I had a bowl of chicken noodle soup from Quizno's. I did have 4 crackers with the soup, which I probably should have passed on.

In the afternoon, I had an apple as a snack.

For dinner, I was taken to the Keg by Sandra and David for a belated b'day dinner. I was going to have prime rib, however, I chose chicken fajitas instead and I passed on the avocado and sour cream. We had sourdough bread to start which was very tasty. I saw David with an order of garlic mashed potato with his prime rib and it looked so yummy, I had to have some. I know I should have exercised better control but I did pass on dessert.

I drank around 4 glasses of water and two glasses of orange juice. With dinner, I had a diet- pepsi but only because the waitress made a mistake and brought this drink to our table and when we said we hadn't ordered that, she asked if we would like it anyway. Of course I said sure as normally that is my drink but I know its not good for me.

Tonight I hosted a show at the Lotus Hotel and drank two glasses of clamato juice. For a snack I ate the other half of the banana that I had earlier in the morning. Once again too late for a walk so I'm off to bed.

Jamie Lee Hamilton


At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jammie dont forget the 50% excercise.........Im watching.


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