Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Underbelly News
Downtown Eastside

Hi All

I have copied a letter to the editor, posted below from the Vancouver Courier. This letter provides a snapshot of what is wrong in the Downtown Eastside. First though my imput.

As some of you are aware, I live in a DERA building. In my building lives a husband and wife. This couple, on fixed income, 16 months ago had a baby. They were to be transferred to another DERA operated building which houses families. Our building was built for singles and seniors. For 16 months this needy couple have not been transferred to our family housing complex. This, even though two units became available. Why do I know this. Well I'm on the DERA board.

IT MUST BE NOTED that DAVID CUNNINGHAM, a DERA staffer and his WIFE, JILL CHETTIAR, a PORTLAND Community Services staffer are both spokespersons of APC (anti poverty committee) . They were given a subsidized suite at the DERA family bulding even though their baby was born only two months ago. Mr Cunningham and Ms Chettiar, BOTH EMPLOYED, were provided that suite instead of the couple on fixed income. Talk about shameful acts on the part of DERA and APC. It should also be noted that Mr Cunningham also has a bachelor pad at another DERA subsidized building. Talk about the ife of luxury.

Jamie Lee Hamilton
(604) 781-3361


Exploiting poverty for political gain despicable

To the editor:

Bravo for bringing to light the uncivil disobedience practised by David Cunningham under the banner of APC ("City will be ready for next profane outburst," and "Cunning activist a disruption," Oct. 3).
Cunningham is a shining example of how the extremist elements of the left-wing underground co-opt legitimate social justice movements to further their own political agenda.
The majority of APC members are not aware they are being manipulated by a political anarchist. They truly believe he has their best interests at heart.
The Anti Poverty Committee in Vancouver is a blue print of APC Toronto. That chapter used physical violence to make its points during the 1990s by damaging both private and public properties. Their aim is to turn local governments into chaos, not to alleviate poverty. They quickly lost public sympathy and support with their antics in Ontario.
When APC was founded in Vancouver, it claimed, off the record, to have learned its lessons in Toronto and promised to use peaceful means out here. A legal rep for APC approached people from a number of religious organizations for support in order to legitimize their presence in our community. However, Cunningham's loathing for all people who are not hardcore communists is revealed in his utter contempt for, and disruption of, civil society.
Poverty is a tragedy. Exploiting that poverty for political gain is despicable. I think it's high time David Cunningham be exposed for who, and what, he truly is.

Kirsten Ebsen, Vancouver


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