Monday, May 29, 2006



Hi All,

This morning May 29, I received a very polite call from Ms Heather Holden, park board Chair regarding my blog entry on her and the Aquarium issue. Ms Holden informs me that she has not participated in discussions around the Aquarium issue. She further stated "I will not be involved with this agenda item tonite".

I really would like to thank Ms Holden for the call, from her perspective, to set the record straight. I must point out though that it has been alleged by the Straight paper in their May 18, 2006 edition, that Ms Holden participated in committee meetings regarding privatizing our concessions of which the Aquarium has one.

If in fact she participated in discussions at the committee level in regard to the privatization of concessions, then this may provide a benefit to the Aquarium of which Ms Holdem is an employee. On the park board website it hasn't yet posted minutes from previous committee meetings pertaining to this matter so I can't confirm whether Ms Holden participated in those meetings or not.

At this time, I will take Ms Holden at her word but if I find out that she did participate then this whole Aquarium expansion reeks of innappropriateness.

Jamie Lee Hamilton


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