Monday, July 12, 2010

I'm Shocked by Mayor Gregor Robertson

Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


It's with sadness that I viewed a You Tube video of Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson calling a group of citizens 'fucking hacks' who came up to City Hall in order to state their concern over a proposed West End advisory committee that Mayor Robertson and his Vision colleagues are desiring to impose on the West End neighborhood.

Speaker after speaker shared their concerns regarding the hand-picked advisory committee of Council and they were disrespected in the process. Is it any wonder that citizens are disengaged from the political process when you are treated in such a shabby manner.

Some people including media think it was great that the Mayor demonstrated such candor but leveling this crap at citizens as Mayor Robertson did isn't displaying candor, instead his words displayed complete contempt for the average citizen.

The Mayor has issued an apology and while the apology will be accepted, the issue though of whether there is still going to be a West End Advisory Committee remains unclear.

I would guess that the advisory committee which was to be c0-chaired by Councillor Tim Stevenson and Councillor Andrea Reimer is now dead.

Many blog sites who have a differing political agenda than Vision and belong to a different political party (NPA) are making hay of this matter but it seems they are doing this for the wrong reasons. They have not in fact stated where they stand on this issue and perhaps they could express their opinion rather than engage in petty political attacks on the Mayor who has obviously made his biggest political mistake since assuming office nearly two years ago.

On the video, the Mayor sounds intoxicated and I sure hope this is not the case. Perhaps he was only tired.

Jamie Lee Hamilton


At 10:30 AM, Anonymous E said...

Some valid points in your article.

I heard that all he does is play with a train set that Obama gave him.


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