Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Oppenheimer Park Tent City Relocation

September 24, 2014 Happy to learn that the City has taken some action and is moving around 70 people from the Oppenheimer park Tent City to a city-owned facility on Pacific street in the West End which used to house the Kettle of Fish restaurant. It is important that our homeless respect the neighbours surrounding their new shelter. Hopefully the residents who live in higher-priced condos surrounding the new shelter will be respectful to the homeless and I'm certain they will be as long as the homeless don't begin to engage in reckless behaviours. It is important that no drug dealing occur around the premises and those using drugs should use the many harm reduction centres available to them. Also if enjoying a cigarette outside don't be too loud and don't use the residential streets as hang-outs Glad that Oppenheimer park can be returned to the Downtown Eastside community who were without their neighbourhood park for much of the summer. Good luck everyone. Jamie Lee Hamilton


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