Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Randall Garrison the likable now former candidate for the NDP shared with me in an email his reasons for stepping down. His decision was mainly personal and because he had already been in nomination mode for two years and wanting to have a somewhat more normal life and also due to work and travel, he opted to step aside for a candidate who can provide the riding with more time.

One of the potential candidates which this blog touted as a Goddess, other than Adriane Carr , who was considering jumping into the race, however, as quickly as she tip-toed in, she tip-toed out. Cold feet I'm told!

Rumors though swirl that this former Van-Centre NDP President, now east-side living Diva may return as the fundraiser for Van-Centre. From President Raigen to fundraiser Raigen just doesn't have the same cachet.

So the Van-Centre race looks like it is heading for a match-up between the two Divas, Ms Fry vs Ms Carr with the NDP being granted back of the bus status.

MP Dr Hedy Fry will most likely go all out in this years Pride festivities and it will be interesting to see if Ms Carr can match the undisputed Queen of the Parade.

Stay tuned folks!

Jamie Lee Hamilton


At 10:12 AM, Blogger Raigen D'Angelo said...

Hi Jamie,

I am quite excited to be volunteering for Van Centre again. Especially in projects that I love, I have always loved fundraising. I find it very challenging and fulfilling. As for being a candidate, at this point in my life, I am not ready to be a high profile community activist at this time, in the future - maybe. As the chair of TAS we have begun a very exciting project that I would like to complete, as you know we are working to bring a petition to the BC legislature that will hopefully bring focus to the discrimination of Trans-people into the BC Human Rights Code. By the way, I didn’t realize that Hedy Fry was a Queen.

All my best,

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Jamie Lee Hamilton said...

Who isn't a Queen in this city dear!!!


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