Thursday, December 01, 2005


Underbelly News
Downtown Eastside

Let Us Remember

Today, December 1 marks world AIDS day and once again we are reminded of the impacts that this preventable condition has on our lives.

To those sufferring from HIV and AIDS, please know that you are not alone. Please know that there are many others out there who do care and together, hopefully we can forge ahead in combatting this killer until it has been scourged from earth.

We must remind ourselves that there are many who are suffering the impact of AIDS, who are without medical treatment and housing. Many are homeless and we must be jolted out of our complacency.

AIDS is a killer and let us remember that the Aboriginal population has soaring HIV/AIDS rates and these rates equal those found in Botswana and South Africa. Moreover, there is an alarming trend of increasing rates in the gay male population. Further, 11,000 people are living with AIDS in British Columbia.

What can we do as Citizens?

Well we can continue to speak out. We need to create more love and less hate in society. We need to ensure that risky behaviors are minimized and we can start by making ourselves more aware and educating ourselves of this killer.

With Christmas approaching, lend a hand or perhaps make a donation to the Dr Peter Centre, A Loving Spoonful or Friends for Life. These terrific organizations assist people in coping, managing and living with their terminal illness. If you can afford it, make a donation to the Christmas Bureau of Vancouver since there are many children out there who are living in poverty and who also have been impacted by AIDS.

To my readers, let us join together in lobbying for Hope, Prosperity and Productivity for those less fortunate in our society.

Thank You

Jamie Lee Hamilton


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