Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Underbelly News
Downtown Eastside

STATEMENT from JAMIE LEE HAMILTONI want to be very very Clear here. I have Never and will Never talk about people in the vein that Mr Green and Ms Deal are suggesting.

I write in a Flamboyant way, I Speak in a Flamboyant way and in fact, Media continuously refer to me as a Flamboyant Individual. Again, let me be very clear. What I was getting at in the blog entry which has been called into question, is that Unions traditionally have supplied non-reporting municipal campaign staff. This Unreporting in a municipal campaign in my political opinion, is a disservice to average Vancouver Voters. This I think is a serious concern and is fair comment. As is Big Business donations. Obviously Mr Green and Ms Deal will benefit from Employees being Seconded from Unions to work on their campaigns.

THIS is WHY WE NEED CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM at the MUNICIPAL level and this will be a central plank in my own platform.

Ms Deal and Mr Green obviously think I was meaning something totally different and I do apologize for the distress this may have caused them.

In regard to the information on MISSING FUNDS at DERA. It is my understanding that Councillor Tim Stevenson released a document which acknowledges that $20,000 went MISSING from DERA in 1992. While the issue of the Missing Funds may not be part of the Civic campaign, nevertheless, this matter still needs a proper investigation.

It is time a forensic accounting review of the financial records from those days at DERA be conducted and I am certain this request will receive the full cooperation of DERA.

I believe Councillor Jim Green is duty bound to provide answers to the public on this matter since it goes to the heart of Public Trust. A number of questions remain. Namely they are:
1) Were the Missing Funds recovered in Full?
2) Why did so much money disappear so easily?

IN REGARD to DOCUMENTS in my POSSESSION--Yesterday upon the return of my legal counsel from Montreal, I had a two hour meeting at which time I turned over the Information I had regarding the Missing Funds at DERA. Mr Don Morrison will ensure they are dealt with in the most appropriate way.


Jamie Lee Hamilton
(604) 781-3361


At 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it a little odd that your 'financial agent' lives in the same co-op housing development that you do.

Her address is on your website and its been mentioned that you live in there as well.

Whatever happened to the days when people had actual jobs?

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Ryan said...

Hey Anonymous... why are you scared of exposing your hidden agenda? Why do you lack the fortitude and the gonads to tell people who you are? Are you working for Jim Green? Is that what YOUR job is?

At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually my company brings me an income of over 1.2 million a year. And I pay more than my share of taxes on it as well.

My comment has nothing to do politics. I was making an observation, you put yourself out there, then that is what is going to happen.
Is that ok with you 'ryan'?

Its known in the gay business community that JLH has far too much time on her hands, and that if you so much disagree with her, then expect her vindictive wrath.

Instead of learning from something, she chooses to seek revenge on any individual/group of people and/or business who crosses her path from what she observes to be in the wrong manner.

So no wonder people want to leave anonymous comments on here.

Again and again she has choosen to try and skip past the 'rules' than pay her dues like anyone else.

How many 'businesses' has she tried to set up with other's funds and doesn't bother with obtaining the proper permits, insurances, documentations, etc....MANY.

Yeah, there is plenty of things to learn from her. Most of those being what not to do in life.

At 10:22 PM, Blogger Jamie Lee Hamilton said...

To Jamie Lee thank you for being at the Gay Pageant. You have had an amazing history here in Vancouver. The evening was a great sucess with Miss Vicki and Barry Rominoff stepping down and myself stepping up as the new Ms Gay Vancouver. It was great to see alot of the past Gays out to supportthe organization.

Thanks again

Ms. Gay Vancouver 26
Paige Turner

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is from Raj Takhar a former writer at Angles GLBT monthly. I support Jamie Lee fully and I'm not afraid to hide who I am.

Raj Takhar
Vancouver Lotus Hotel

At 3:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'Past Gays' (?) and 'former' this and that...another group clinging to their so called glory days.
Nice, but not effective enough.
Kinda like Jamie.
Along with no financial backing built on her own, no real evident work experience, and no real education. Just a big mouth, and even that has its complaints.
She sure knows how to use the system and others though.
Its sad, but not a worry.


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