Underbelly News
Downtown Eastside
Hi Folks!
I had this email sent to me. Enjoy the site. Thanks Fritz for ensuring freedoom of speech prevails!
Jamie Lee Hamilton
I am launching a new website this week I think will be of interest to your viewers. The basic concept is to cut the traditional media as the middleman between the public and the newsmaker. Following is a press release. I encourage you and your readers to hold your local candidates to account by asking lots of questions.
Fritz Radandt
New Website Hosts On-Line All-Candidates Forums for BC Election
Just in time for the provincial election, is providing online forums for the candidates and the public to address the pressing issues. NewsQs enables parties and candidates to post their news, views and events and for the public to ask questions.
The idea behind NewsQs is that any person can ask any candidate any reasonable question at any time and expect an answer. And, conversely, any candidate can communicate any thing they want at any time uncut and unedited.
Conventional all-candidate meetings have the limitations of time and space. There is never enough time for all the information to be shared and questions to be asked. There is only enough space for a certain number of candidates and public. These limitations disappear on the internet.
NewsQs has setup forums for the candidate in each of BC?s 79 ridings. There are also forums for the parties to address provincial issues and to discuss the STV referendum on electoral reform.
NewsQs is inspired by the tradition of internet innovations such as blogs,, and which have impacted recent elections. NewsQs provides continuous interactivity between newsmakers and the public on an unprecedented scale. It is like a never-ending call-in talk show with every party and candidate as a guest.
A famous Canadian remarked that elections are no time to discuss the serious issues of the day. With, serious debate is now possible. It is truly a Weapon of Mass Democracy.
For further information visit