Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Oldtown News is breaking the story that Michael Byers, the Canadian Research Chair in International Law and Politics, is set to announce tomorrow morning at English Bay his intention to seek the federal Vancouver-Centre riding for the NDP.

Professor Byers teaches at UBC and has an impressive resume. According to a number of NDP Van-Centre members who I've spoken with, Mr Byers provides them the best opportunity yet to win the seat Liberal Dr Hedy Fry has held since 1993.

As an academic, Dr Byers obviously is a smart and accomplished man, but whether he is a good fit for this riding, which has a sizable gay population, will be interesting to watch.

Dr Fry has immense popularity in the gay community and Green deputy leader Adriane Carr has been working the gay community as well. Ms Carr is running in Van-Centre and many pundits believe Ms Carr to be running second to Ms Fry.

The NDP candidate for this riding, Randall Garrison, who stepped aside last week is an out gay male and NDP insiders inform Oldtown News that Mr Garrison was having a tough go trying to lure Hedy Fry's supporters.

Mr Byers will find it even more challenging than Mr Garrison since he is without any significant ties to the GLBT community.

Let the race begin.

Jamie Lee Hamilton


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Hi All,

Please help find the beautiful Peewee. He belongs to Colleen Nystedt and went missing from his home on Kits Point. He doesn't have his collar on as he was returning from his summer vacation home on Keats.

Peewww is very friendly and will become ornery if he misses on any of his regular Friday board meetings at Rossini's where he has many friends.

Please do whatever you can to bring Peewee home to his Mistress, Colleen.

Colleen feels that Peewee scooted over to Kits beach as she was unloading the jeep from their trip.

It says it takes a village to raise a child, well I say it takes a City to bring a Peewee home.

Please everyone be on the lookout for Peewee. If you suspect anyone of peewee-napping or have seen the notorious 2 year old Peewee please contact Colleen asap at 778 999-7677 or feel free to post sightings here.


Jamuie Lee