Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Hi Friends,

Please write to the development board regarding the complete dis-respect of the Hastings Park Community by greedy Casino operators, our opportunistic politicians and our ill-informed planning staff.

Hastings Park was given in Trust to the People NOT Casino Interests. Write today or email or do whatver it takes to save Hastings Park for its People.

Below is a Draft letter you can follow.

Jamie Lee Hamilton
Council Candidate

Name: Jamie Lee Hamilton
Address: #804-133 West Pender Street
Vancouver, Bc, V6B 5N2

Date: October, 19, 2005

Development Board
C/O Doug Robinson, Project Facilitator
453 W. 12th Ave.
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1V4
604-873-7100 fax

Development Board:

Re: HEI Development Application at Hastings Park - Number DE40961

Please reject the Development Application by HEI for the following reasons:

1. Traffic plans for main vehicular entrance & exit points along McGill and Renfrew streets violates the approved Hastings Sunrise City Plan which calls for:
a) downgrading Renfrew;
b) more attractive and useable parks;
c) safer streets with slower traffic and less short-cutting.

2. Tour Bus & Taxi waiting area between Roller land and Renfrew entering at gate n_4 is unacceptable as this is the entrance to the childrenís playground used daily by school children and residents.

3. Applicationís plan to route all cars around the coliseum to the West (residential) side of the site, when over 60% of the projected traffic will be coming from the Eastand could easily be accommodated off Bridgeway St. at Gate n_9 (1124 parking spaces), flies in the face of the community's stated wishes and City Plan's approved goals.

4. Proposed entrance off McGill Street will add to traffic congestion problems on this very busy thoroughfare (45,000+ cars per day) and worsen the problem of commuters shooting down side streets and back lanes during rush hours.

5. The proposed transit loop at the Coliseum further violates City Pan bringing an enormous amount of heavy traffic into Hastings Park. The transit loop should be located at Gate n_9.

6. Failure to immediately provide underground parking contravenes Hastings Park "Plan 3-4" and greening of the Northwest parking lot.


Jamie Lee Hamilton
(604) 781-3361