Monday, November 26, 2007


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Dear Friends of Vancouver Parks

On November 26, 2007, Commissioner Spencer Herbert is bringing forward a motion that could have dire repercussions for Vancouver Citizens. In his motion, Mr. Herbert is calling for a "No Net Loss" of Park Space. That part of the motion is OK, however, he undoes the motion when he asks that a park reserve system be set up when we lose parts of our parks due to development.

Here is what his motion says, "any lost land would have to be replaced, either through shrinking the size of parking lots, or through a combination of acquisitions and expansion in other areas".

The problem is that development should not intrude into our diminishing green space, period. Moreover, the Herbert motion is severely flawed because it suggests that it's OK if green space is taken, as long as the space is reserved in a land reserve, or through acquisitions in other areas.

This "other areas" of his motion is deeply troubling. If we lose green space in Stanley Park, which we continue to with Aquarium expansions, no land elsewhere in the City could ever compensate for losing green space in our beloved Jewel.

Again, a deep concern with Mr. Herbert's motion is that if one neighborhood park, or part thereof is asphalted over, it's OK as long as land is acquired elsewhere--in another area of the city because there would be no net loss.

Taking park space from one area of the City and re-placing it in another area of the city isn't proper, equitable or fair.

Folks if you are concerned over this you can register to speak on this motion by calling Julie Casanova at the Park Board at (604) 257-8451 up until noon on Monday, November 26, 2007, or you can also email Commissioner Herbert and voice your concern. His email is

I will be speaking at the park board meeting on November 26 and encourage others to do so.
Before the meeting, at 4pm on Monday, I will be speaking on co-op radio with former Park Board Chair, Laura McDiarmid.

Jamie Lee Hamilton