Monday, September 05, 2005


Underbelly News
Downtown Eastside

Hi Friends!

On this Labour Day, I hope you are resting and
pampering yourself for all the good work that you do.
It is a day in which to slow down, enjoy life and
share some special time with family and friends.

Its a time of reflection. Soon, the kids return to
school, the PNE ends and some lucky person will win
the prize home at the fair.

Keep in your thoughts all those children from
improverished homes who are returning to school. They
need your caring and intervention to ensure they have
improved opportunities and a safe journey in life.

So today just enjoy Life. Tomorrow its back to the old
grind of what we call Living Life.

Don't forget my big ole 5 Decade B'Day event coming up
on Tuesday September 20 at the historic Lotus Hotel.
We have planned an action filled evening starting at
7pm. Feel free to invite friends.

You can find all the information you need for this
celebration at Download your
complimentary tickets from the site.

See you on the 20th

Jamie Lee