Monday, May 14, 2007


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC

Why Did Councillor Stevenson Vote Against Dera Wind Down Grant?

The Executive Director of DERA, in his continuous harangues always, without fail, slips up. His latest lip slip was at Council on May 3, 2007.

When a publicly minded speaker was introduced as representing a DERA tenants group ( the Pendera Tenants Association) at the reconsideration appeal of DERA's discontinued grant, the ranting and raving Kim Kerr, began an assault on the speaker. Councillor Ladner, who was chairing the meeting reminded Mr. Kerr not to interrupt other speakers.

So what was Mr. Kerr all in a tizzy about?

Well he was shouting that no such Pendera tenants group existed. This even though on August 22, 2002, Mr. Kerr wrote a letter as DERA Housing Manager, to DERA tenants stating this, " As you may be aware several tenants at Pendera have been working to form a Residents Committee. This Committee is being formed to allow you to take a more active role in your building and the decisions that affect your home. I want to assure you that this Committee is being formed with the full support of DERA Housing Board and Management".

While Mr. Kerr appears to have no problem being a bold face fabricator when its suits his purpose, surprising though was the resulting and false articulation by Councillor Tim Stevenson, who at this same meeting, claimed that this same speaker had attacked DERA and Mr. Kerr. In fact, Councillor Stevenson should be condemned for his outrageous behavior and in his clumsy attempt to mislead Council and because Council is televised, hence, his fabrication is nothing than a gutless attack on an individual who is civically engaged.

Yes that is right folks, your duly elected civic official, namely, Councillor Stevenson, is not beyond adjusting reality to suit his own politically opportunistic agenda. In fact, this isn't the only time he has attempted this. Just a few years ago, when the gay Pride Committee was planning on moving the annual parade route, the community responded. A very successful community meeting was organized and because the meeting was so well attended, Councillor Stevenson attempted to take credit for it. In fact, the community meeting was organized by this blog writer and Jim Deva, the popular owner of Little Sisters Bookstore.

Back to the Council meeting though of May 3, 2007. It was interesting that when all was said and done and Councillor Suzanne Anton and the NPA put forward a reasonable motion to provide DERA with enough funds to wind down its very intermittent Chinese Seniors program , Councillor Stevenson and the other Vision members of council, voted against the motion. Oh sorry, Mr Stevenson didn't vote because he skipped out of council chambers so he wouldn't appear to be voting against DERA. Miraculously, Councillor Stevenson re-appeared moments later, back in his Council seat right after that vote was taken.

While I could infer such actions of Councillor Stevenson resemble certain behaviors, I shall exercise good judgement and refrain. However, I let the facts speak for themselves.

Shocking though is how Councillor Stevenson has joined hands in solidarity with a ranting and raving activist (Kim Kerr) as they both through their ongoing harangues see nothing wrong in fabricating reality while attacking one very outspoken Oldtown advocate.

Jamie Lee Hamilton