Thursday, October 30, 2008


Oldtown News
Vancouver, BC


Congratulations go out to both Spencer Herbert and Jenn McGinn of the NDP who now represent Van-Burrard and Van-Fairview.

I must say these results came as a surprise. I knew Spencer was in a tight race or so I thought and I didn't expect Jenn McGinn to win.

What probably worked to Spencer's advantage over Arthur Griffiths was his ability to demonstrate he has roots in the West End and of course homelessness was the number one issue.

Arthur Griffiths ran a good campaign, however, this election was not the right time for him.

The win by Jenn McGinn must be considered an upset and with the riding of Fairview changing for the May 2009, Jenn will need cross-over support if she hopes to maintain her seat. Jenn is very likable, a real sweetheart and I'm certain she can accomplish this goal based on her personality.

Margaret McDiarmid was a tough opponent and if she runs again, the election could be tighter for Ms McGinn.

The Green party captured over 7% in the Fairview vote running its leader, Dr Jane Sterk and just over 5% voted for Drina Read in the Burrard race.

It is important that if the Greens are to have a stronger showing in May, the party must immediately build up these core constituencies. Running high-profile candidates who bring supporters in will help and I suspect add to the Green popular vote.

Deputy Leader of the Green party of Canada, Adriane Carr who ran an incredible federal campaign in Van-Centre, capturing over 18% of the vote and the Greens need to capitalize on Adriane's strength.

Congrats to the smaller-party candidates. You furthered democracy just by running, especially considering there was major voter fatigue. Thank You.

Jamie Lee Hamilton